Welcome to our new occasional blog! Here at LCMG, we realise we are very fortunate to live in an area of greater awareness of the importance of naturally produced food and respect for soil and wider eco-systems; caring for this land is a joy and at the very heart of what we do. Keeping a cool eye on what the new Government’s rural policy will be, an interesting summary of the Government’s approach to agriculture and food policy can be seen here, on the FarmingUK website …the phrase: “…They [Labour] also say they will not tell landowners what to grow and the public what to eat…” can be taken in a number of ways, both positive and possibly questionable. E.g., this could mean that they will not tell landowners not to grow GM foods, for example – just one way of perceiving Labour’s strategy, in addition to potentially many beneficial interpretations of this statement. At LCMG we believe you – all of us – deserve better than GM, genetic engineering and all the other labels that encompass synthetically produced food. Which is why our aim is to focus on producing high quality, affordable food, grown with love and care for the land and providing a service that enables you to make independent choices. Enjoy.